To successfully buy a home from plans and show homes you will want to deal with a professional builder that has a solid reputation and a sales staff who will work closely with you throughout the buying process. Take your time to consider all aspects of your purchase and ask lots of questions – the more information you have, the easier it is to eliminate uncertainties.
Go through the builder’s information package to find out what features are offered, and the plans to help visualize the home. The specification sheet will list construction materials, mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and finishing materials in detail.
Take a close look at the overall quality of builders’ show homes, from design and construction to finishing touches, as it is your best indication of the quality you can expect when you buy from the company.
Keep in mind that most show homes include upgrades and options to show buyers the full range of what’s available. When you find a show home that interests you, ask the salesperson to explain in detail what’s standard and what’s an upgrade, room by room, inside and out.
When you find a plan or show home you like, think about:
How will it work for your family?
Will the home be suitable for the activities you enjoy?
Adaptable to future needs?
Would you need to modify the design and how?
Room size can be difficult to judge, you need to consider how your furniture will fit into the home. A few inches can make a big difference when it comes to putting a table in the breakfast nook or your couch in front of the fireplace. Know the dimensions of your furniture and bring a measuring tape so you can figure out quickly if a layout has enough room. Also consider the placement of windows, doors, and perhaps fireplace, as well as traffic patterns.