Net Zero Homes produce as much clean energy as they consume. They are up to 80% more energy efficient than typical new homes and use renewable energy systems to produce the remaining energy they need. Every part of the house works together to provide consistent temperatures throughout, prevent drafts, and filter indoor air to reduce dust and allergens. The result: exceptional energy performance and the ultimate in comfort – a home at the forefront of sustainability. It all adds up to a better living experience.
Exceptional Value
A Net Zero Home produces as much energy as it consumes and is up to 80% more energy efficient than a home built to conventional standards.
With a Net Zero Home, your utility bills will fall to an all-time low, and stay low all year round.
A Net Zero Home protects you from future increases in energy prices. Over the years, that could be a very big deal.
Built to higher standards than conventional new homes, a Net Zero Home is more durable – with high performance, warm windows and better insulated walls and roof.
Greater Comfort, Healthier Living
A Net Zero Home delivers exceptional comfort all year round.
Advanced construction methods and materials along with superior heating, cooling and ventilation equipment means even temperatures throughout the house.
Exceptional indoor air quality for healthier living.
A built-in filtered fresh air system reduces allergens and asthma triggers, such as dust, pollen and outdoor air pollution.
Tightly built and well insulated, a Net Zero Home is quieter. Outside noise such as traffic, lawnmowers and barking dogs are virtually silenced.
Environmentally Responsible
By purchasing a Net Zero Home, you’re doing your part to protect against climate change and preserve natural resources for future generations.
A Net Zero Home produces as much energy – clean, renewable energy – as it consumes.
It’s also equipped with water-saving fixtures and appliances.
All of a Net Zero Home’s features work together to significantly minimize your household’s environmental footprint.
Learn more about Net Zero Energy Homes
We know that as a smart consumer, you want reliable information from trusted sources. See what the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation have to say about Net Zero Energy Homes.
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