LEED Canada for Homes is a standard that is designed to help builders to deliver energy and environmentally conscious new homes. It looks at new construction from a range of perspectives to reduce the overall environmental impact of the house.
The LEED Canada for Homes rating system allows builders to earn points in 8 categories:
Innovation and Design Process – This category is aimed at promoting an integrated, system approach to home design, so that efficiency in one area isn’t a problem somewhere else.
Indoor Environmental Quality – Important for the health of both occupants and the home itself, the indoor air quality, moisture control, etc., are critical aspects of new home design and construction.
Location and Community – Where you build can affect a home’s environmental impact.
Materials and Resource Use – New building techniques call for new materials and more efficient use of traditional materials.
Indoor and Outdoor Water Efficiency – Strategies for water reuse, rain capture and usage reduction are important for minimizing a home’s environmental impacts.
Energy Efficiency – The cornerstone of any green building plan is finding ways to use less energy. LEED homes employ a number of different strategies.
Site Sustainability – Minimize any long-term environmental damage to the site throughout the construction process, and design site to maximize environmental advantages.
Awareness and Education – An informed homeowner (or tenant) is a key factor in environmental efficiency.